Find Your Perfect Summer Look with These Trending Swimsuit Styles

Finding the right swimsuit trends for your body, one that’s stylish and makes you feel and look good, can be quite the challenge.

But there are several trends this year that look good on all bodies and focus more on specific colors and textures as opposed to cuts of swimsuits.

I’ll share a few options that may not be the most flattering on everyone, but the key is to wear something that makes you feel your best, and it doesn’t matter as much if you don’t look like the beauty standard in the garment.

A neon green swimsuit will add a punch to any outfit, and it compliments both tanned and very light skin tones.

Neon Green

This is a great find for tops in particular because they can really snatch in your bust and make you look your absolute best.

Tie Details

These styles of swimsuits are again great for styling with streetwear and almost double as a bodysuit when traveling.

Low Back One Pieces

Another popular color for spring this year has been light purple and lavender. It’s such a seasonal shade and looks gorgeous on a whole host of skin tones. 

Light Purple

Pinup top swimsuits will oftentimes be sized like a bra and will offer support to larger busted women. 

Pinup Top

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