Haunted Hotels, Bars, and Attractions in Seattle

There are some super spooky haunted spots and shadowy figures around Seattle that will interest those who love dark history and the paranormal. 

On the outside, Seattle is vibrant, gorgeous, and full of fun experiences. But, like all big cities, there’s macabre history beneath the surface.

If you’re looking for a scare and ghost stories, that’s exactly what you’ll find.

It opened in the early 1900s (1909, to be exact) and has seen its share of unexplained activity from beyond. Hotel Sorrento’s resident ghost is said to be Alice B. Toklas.

Hotel Sorrento

The ghosts at Mayflower Park Hotel are allegedly pretty harmless. If you want a ghostly experience that feels more spooky than bone-chilling, this may be the hotel to check out.

Mayflower Park Hotel

Of all the historic buildings in Seattle, this one is by far the creepiest one to investigate if you’re searching for haunted spots around Seattle.

Artic Club

Kells is located in the Butterworth Building in Pike Place Market. Long before it was Kells, it was Seattle’s first mortuary. Talk about spooky places!

Kells Irish Restaurant and Bar

It once operated as a gambling house, brothel, and speakeasy. This may explain why so many spirits have hung around to share their stories of ghosts!

Merchant’s Cafe and Saloon

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